
Ways to Treat the Night Time Dilemma

The most often question raised to any condition is - can it be cured? Luckily, snoring is not a difficult condition to treat. Snoring is often consider as normal, so normal in fact that many people don't seem bothered with its effects, especially when mild.

Treatments for snoring depends on the cause. Examination of the physiology and anatomy of the throat and the underlying tissues can tell the cause of the snoring. Usually, snoring stems from loose muscles that flap back and forth when air runs through the throat. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes, snoring can also be due to allergies, deformities, infections and abnormal enlargement of adenoids and tonsils.

Normally, stopping the main causes can stop the snoring. This includes abstinence from smoking, drinking alcohol and other relaxants, and maintenance of an ideal weight. All these have adverse effects not only on the body but can be the direct cause of snoring.  Treatments to stop snoring can include lifestyle-changing habits, use of stop snoring aids and more intensive surgeries.

The market place offers a great variety of snoring aids including nasal breathing devices, adjustable beds, oral and dental appliances and pressurized masks.

Nasal breathing devices normally aim to keep your nasal passages open or your jaws from dropping. You may find nasal strips, nasal clips, chin up strips and chin straps under this category. These products normally require you to breathe using your nose rather than your mouth since mouth breathing typically is the cause of snoring. Research has shown that a switch from mouth to nasal breathing can eliminate most snoring problems.

Mouth pieces or oral devices aim to position the tongue away from blocking the air passage. You should seek a dental specialist if you are considering the use of such a device as solutions for your snoring.

Surgery, on the other hand, is an irreversible decision. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty or UPPP is known to be the traditional method of trimming excess tissues in the throat. A more modern approach uses laser thus the name Laser-Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty or LAUP. Removal of unnecessary tissues in the throat enlarges the air passage which helps reduce the collapse of the muscles.

Approaches vary according to your personal preferences and the immediate need to cure your condition. It is best to seek medical help first or get yourself educated with your options before considering surgery or a stop snoring device.

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